
Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us anytime.

If you would like to send us any questions or comments,
please call us or send a message using the form below.
Sometimes we are not able to keep up with written responses.
If you require a response within a week, please feel free to call us.

Contact Form


* shows required information

Name *
ex. Dogo Joe
Email address *
if it is a mobile address, please make sure your settings don't filter our response into junkmail
Please make sure there are no mistakes in your information, so we can be sure to get back to you.
Telephone number
ex. +81-89-934-0661
ex. 790-0841
Contents of Inquiry *

Please check your message for mistakes before pressing “send”.
Your personal information will not be used for anything outside of replying to your inquiry.

Here for phone enquires

+81-89-934-0661Phone hours 8:00〜21:00


Dogo Tako Cho 6-38 Matsuyama City Ehime 730-0841